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Home » 2025 Etchells Worlds Race 1

2025 Etchells Worlds Race 1

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    Race Area

    Quite a stretch of water to the upwind, so expecting it to be not shifting a lot.


    7 degrees of bias. On 530, line it creates a lot of advantage. 63m in this case. For the info, 6 degrees of bias creates exactly 10% of line length of upwind distance advantage. With long lines, as soon as you can see the bias is big enough to be taken (unless it is caused by temporary shift). Keelboats fight for minutes to gain a single meter, so giving up 63 at the gun is huge. First Tracks did the best at the pin side and took the lead. It was better to start bad on the good side, you can see Rogue tacking after the start and crossing the RC boats.

    Distance to the line is from the Atlas device. Unlike race sense, I don’t have the boat shapes included. Also they are more accurate since they get it at 10HZ at your start time.
    Distance to leader

    1st Upwind

    Looks like some wind oscilations at all times with a slight trend to left. Staying in a good phase was important. Boats going through the middle were in the front. Tiger was more left and a bit behind, but gained significantly with the right side approach to the top mark.

    Top 3 boats with thicker line

    Time to leader graph

    Some nice left kicks visible, with bright green. Then again at some points port tack is pretty red. On the left side some nice lefties visible, but turning down after some point. Boats over there could not afford to take right shifts since it would kick them too far left with no options to play anymore. So they sail the curve to the right a few times.

    1. right shift, port tack red
    2. Right hand side boats lifted nicely
    3. Boats approaching the layline red. Bearing away plus some right at the top.
    Suggested wind direction based on all boats tracks. Shows some trend to the left. At the end is a bit compromised by boats over the right layline sailing low.
    Clean sailing numbers, no maneuvers and start and rounding. Shows Juicette doing the best VMG on average. Note that VMG is angle to the set wind of 200, so is affected by sailing in or against the shift.

    Top Mark

    Pretty high offset leg.

    100m to and from the marks. Triad had the best rounding with 1:46 needed to do it.

    1st Downwind

    Course skewed with almost 2x more sailing on port tack. Still the boats gaining the most were the ones continuing to the left corner. First Tracks gained a lot on the fleet. Straight set was bringing the boats very low on starboard tack.

    Starboard gybe to the corner was the greenest.

    Gate Rounding

    No noticeable gate bias. All about smooth rounding next to the mark. First tracks and Tiger the best. Also they were the ones having clean wind. Any meter sailed more downwind than needed results in need to sail all the way back, the biggest losses for boats not sailing upwind next to the mark.

    2nd Upwind

    The boats going left, but not all the way did the best. Some ended up over the left layline. Cannot tell if forced since I am missing some boats. First Tracks extended further with Magpie and Tiger following.

    1. A bit of rightie taking boats left
    2. Some left wind
    3. Another good leftie at the top
    Clean sailing has Triad doing the best average VMG.

    2nd Top Mark

    2nd Downwind

    More sailing on port tack again. Triad and Magpie fast on the left side, AMac did well more around the rhumbline. First Tracks losing the lead to Magpie.

    Early gybe was red at first. Probably some wind shadow below the offset leg.

    Race Rankings