SailViewer App Accepts the following logs:
- Vakaros CSV
- Vakaros VKX, including the start line data
- SailMon CSV and event files
- Velocitek CSV
- Velocitek VTK, including the start line data
- Free SailLogger app for Android devices CSV
- Free SailLogger app start line and events file or QR code
- Cyclops Marine CSV
- Faro CSV
- Deckman LOG (CSV)
- Expedition CSV
- SailNjord CSV
- Airmar Wind CSV
- GPX files
- NMEA file
- YachtDevices CSV (use their free tool to convert from DAT file)
- SailRacer CSV
- EasyWind CSV
- AC40 Simulator .CSV
In case you have the file type which is not supported, please let us know and we will do our best to include it